A Travellerspoint blog

Getting ready for the trip

Where did I put that passport......

semi-overcast 16 °C

We are leaving on May 11th for Portugal & Madeira. Fred’s daughter & family (Sasha Pishalski, husband Dave Nobrega and son Lucas) are already there and we will join them in Porto in Northern Portugal. Dave is equal parts Portuguese and Italian. Sasha & Dave are both special needs teachers in Toronto and get their summers off. Last year they spent a month in Italy.


From Sasha: After a long overnight flight we arrived in Lisbon and immediately drove to Évora. Sooooo happy to be sitting here at the start of another family adventure. It’s a return for Dave and I who back-packed our way across Portugal in 2002.

We will be traveling into the Douro Valley which is home to one of the major rivers of the Iberian Peninsula, flowing across northern-central Spain and Portugal to its outlet at Porto. The area is also famous for growing grapes and Port wine. Our next stop is Lisbon which is the capital and the largest city of Portugal. With an estimated population of around 2.8 million people, it is the 11th-most populous urban area in the European Union.

Dave’s family is from the island of Madeira, one of the two autonomous regions of Portugal. It is an archipelago situated in the north Atlantic Ocean, southwest of Portugal. Its total population was estimated in 2016 at 289,000. The capital of Madeira is Funchal, which is located on the main island's south coast. The extended family still lives on the island and we will be staying in a family home.

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Take care,
Gail & Fred

Posted by fredgailmiller 11:22 Archived in Canada

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